Best Natural Supplements For Raising Testosterone

Best Natural Supplements For Raising Testosterone

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Age and declining health can cause testosterone levels to plummet. Natural testosterone boosters may help raise testosterone levels.

Male testes and female ovaries naturally produce testosterone, which plays a crucial role in both male and female health.

Natural testosterone boosters may help raise testosterone levels. Keep reading to learn more.

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A person should talk to their doctor before taking any testosterone boosting supplements.

Hundreds of supplements that claim to boost testosterone are available on the Internet. However, few studies have tested these supplements. A 2019 analysis of supplements warns of fake reviews, placebo effects, and potentially dangerous ingredients.

The same review found that most users reported several improvements with natural testosterone boosters, including a higher libido, more energy, and better sports and work performance.

After the study's authors filtered out potentially false or paid reviews, the prevalence of these improvements significantly decreased.

This suggests that users should be skeptical of multivitamins and other supplements that promise to boost testosterone.

However, a small number of studies have tested specific nutrients, vitamins, and lifestyle changes. While these natural testosterone boosters are unlikely to cure severely low testosterone or other endocrine system issues, they may help a person maintain healthy testosterone levels, especially as they age.

Many studies on natural testosterone boosters are older, include only very small samples, or look only at animals.

Vitamin D

Several studies suggest that vitamin D may work as a natural testosterone booster.

In one older study, 165 participants in a weight-loss study received either 3,332 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily for a year or a placebo. At the end of the study, males who used vitamin D had higher testosterone levels, while those who took the placebo saw no significant increase in testosterone.

A 2020 study examined vitamin D levels in men with both healthy and deficient Leydig cells. These cells help produce testosterone. Vitamin D exposure in the testes increased testosterone levels in both groups.

Additionally, men who had low vitamin D levels at the beginning of the trial were more likely to have low levels of testosterone and related hormones.

Vitamin D supplements are available for purchase here.


A handful of studies suggest that zinc may boost testosterone.

A 2010 study of males undergoing dialysis, for example, found that zinc could increase serum testosterone levels. Zinc did not measurably improve sexual dysfunction.

Typically, intense exercise to exhaustion temporarily lowers testosterone. A small 2006 study of 10 male wrestlers found that zinc could reverse this effect, boosting testosterone levels.

Zinc supplements for boosting testosterone are available for purchase here.


According to an article in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , diets that are high in protein, especially relative to carbohydrates, may raise testosterone levels. An article in Nutrients indicates that a low protein diet may damage the Leydig cells that produce testosterone in the testes.

Protein may also have other beneficial effects. It can support healthy muscle development, which is something many people who hope to raise testosterone levels may welcome.

Protein supplements for boosting testosterone are available for purchase here.


Exercise can help maintain healthy testosterone levels in both males and females. According to a 2015 article in Obesity Reviews, lower testosterone has associations with increased body fat, metabolic syndromes, and other weight-related health issues.

Exercise can help a person maintain a healthy body weight, improve their overall health, and reduce the risks associated with low testosterone.

Minimize stress

A study

in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine suggests that cortisol may block the effects of testosterone. Cortisol is a hormone the body releases in response to stress.

Stress has numerous adverse health effects and may cause health issues, such as low energy, weak erections, or diminished libido. These issues are similar to those that low testosterone causes and may lead to confusion in diagnosis.

Meditation, therapy, deep breathing, and other stress management techniques may help. Exercise may also help ease stress and alleviate depression and anxiety.

Because exercise can also help raise testosterone levels, it is a great strategy for managing both low testosterone and improving its adverse health effects.

Get enough sleep

Exhaustion can cause many health problems, including those that a person might attribute to low testosterone, such as fatigue, moodiness, low libido, and more.

A 2011 study found that a week of reduced sleep lowered testosterone levels in young, healthy men.

A 2010 study found that sleep increased testosterone levels independently of other lifestyle choices that can affect testosterone.


While testosterone may affect libido, sexual activity and libido may also affect testosterone levels. An article in the

Journal of Andrology

identified that masturbation increases testosterone.

An original paper in the Archives of Sexual Behavior indicated that frequent masturbation might also increase libido, helping to offset any real or perceived low testosterone.

People who are experiencing symptoms associated with low testosterone should not assume that this is the case.

A wide range of issues may cause a person to experience low energy, decreased libido, or muscle weakness. Issues may include lifestyle choices, such as smoking or an unhealthful diet, and health conditions, such as diabetes or depression.

A person experiencing symptoms that they believe result from low testosterone levels should see a doctor to discuss how the symptoms present and when they started.

If a doctor agrees that low testosterone is the problem, they may recommend testosterone injections. However, a doctor is likely to recommend making lifestyle changes first because testosterone supplements present several risks, including:

  • heart health issues
  • side effects, such as acne, excessive body hair growth, or hair loss
  • kidney failure, especially in those with kidney disease
  • breast growth

Taking testosterone does not always address the problems a person wants to treat.

For example, a person who wants to increase muscle mass might see better results from strength training or consulting with a personal trainer instead of taking testosterone supplements.

A wide range of medications, other treatments, and lifestyle changes can help with conditions that mimic the symptoms of low testosterone.

For example, a person might see improvements in their libido with therapy or certain antidepressants. Others may find they have more energy by reaching a healthy body weight.

While it is true that testosterone does decline with age, declining testosterone may also be a sign of other health problems.

Testosterone cannot fix all age-related health problems, and sometimes, other treatments are safer and more effective. Making lifestyle changes that raise testosterone, such as exercising, can also improve overall health.

Talk to a doctor about the best options for feeling better and improving long-term health, especially if home treatments do not work.

Best Natural Supplements For Raising Testosterone


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